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The Audio Blog

Tips, tricks and fun for the recording musician

The Audio Blog is a set of thoughts, techniques, knowledge bits and the occasional rant about the wonderful world of audio and music recording. Follow me on the path to great sounding music, never a boring moment!

How to not make a mess of your mix

(or, a tale of gain, faders and plugins output controls) Once upon a time, mixing was something done on large and uber-expensive...

Shall I keep the low end?

It's pretty common when recording (or mixing) to add a high pass filter (aka low cut) to every track, with the common exception of kick...

How do I improve my mixing skills?

You've made your first mix. It was exciting, interesting, your learnt a lot and you're very happy. Perhaps you even have published it on...

What's so special with the SM7B?

Just the other day, chatting with a friend on a video meet (pandemic-style), he came up saying that the Shure SM 7B is a great mic for...

Blind testing in practice

(note: if you're just interested in downloading the scramble utility, go here) Is a microphone better than another? Is a interface better...

How to mix on headphones

This has got to be one of the most common discussions about mixing. Most beginners are convinced that you cannot make a proper mix unless...

The importance of being Plaice

A plaice is, apparently a large edible marine flatfish of Western European waters. Can't say I knew that, and this being The Audio Blog,...

Why microphones sound different?

In audio circles, it is an article of faith that you cannot judge a microphones by its specs or frequency response graphs, but you have...

Same LUFS, different loudness!

If you read the post about how average LUFS are irrelevant to you as a mixing engineer, you may remember that I closed with the promise...

Do I need better converters?

Take any audio forum or Facebook group, or even a conversation at a pub among audio-interested people, and sooner or later someone will...

Average LUFS are irrelevant!

Well, ok - they are relevant, but not in the sense you might think. There are a lot of people (very few of whom are mastering engineers)...

It's the sound absorption, stupid!

Ok, my attempt to a Clitonian presidential slogan is perhaps not the best, but after reading the n-th question about sound proofing, I...

What actually is an audio interface?

This short post originates from a chat I had with a friend a few days ago, as I realized the reason he was struggling a bit was because...

Is it worth to copyright my music?

This is another question that pops up every now and then in both online and real world conversations, so I thought it was a good subject...

Is my mix good enough?

You've just finished a mix. You've been sweating hours - no, days - until it's just so. Your levels are good, you've tested everywhere...

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